
Outcome - Super Smash Bros.


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models a two-player match in Super Smash Bros., capturing the mechanics of scoring, time management, and end conditions. It begins with sources simulating actions that affect the score, such as knocking out an opponent, which directly contributes to each player's positive and negative points. These points are stored in pools that represent each player's current score (both positive and negative points) and the remaining time for the match. Resource connections facilitate the transfer of points based on game actions, and the passing of time is simulated by decrementing the remaining time pool.

The system uses registers and state connections to calculate the final outcomes, such as determining the winner based on a comparison of scores or initiating sudden death mode if the scores are equal when time expires. Sudden death mode is represented as altering the conditions under which resources (points) are transferred, making it easier to score and thus deciding the match if it concludes in a draw. Drains and end conditions are employed to signify the consumption of time and the ending of the match, respectively, under certain conditions, such as one player accumulating more points than the other or the timer reaching zero. This functional interplay captures the dynamic nature of a match in Super Smash Bros., including how scores are calculated, the impact of time, and how different outcomes (regular win, sudden death) are determined.


game designglossaryCombatgameplay
Edited more than 1 year ago

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