
Puzzle Stage - Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models an interactive puzzle inspired by a challenge from the game "Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation," specifically the "Fire Circle" puzzle encountered in the level "The Lost Library." The goal of the puzzle is to light all seven flames at once, represented by seven Pools in the diagram. These flames can be controlled by interacting with seven serpent statues, each equipped with a lever represented by Source nodes. Activating a lever (Source node) simultaneously affects the flame (Pool) it is directly connected to and two other flames (Pools) connected through a complex network of Resource and State Connections, emulating the puzzle's requirement where using any lever impacts the corresponding flame and two others in a specific pattern. If a flame is off, the lever turns it on and vice versa.

The system includes a central Drain node titled "Extinguish all Flames," allowing the user to reset the puzzle by turning off all flames at once, facilitating multiple puzzle attempts. The diagram is designed to encapsulate the logic and outcomes of interacting with the levers, showcasing how resources (representing the flames' statuses) flow through the system upon each interaction. Moreover, the interactions among Source, Pool, and Drain nodes along with the resource and state connections illustrate the dynamic nature of the puzzle, reflecting changes in the puzzle state with each action. A Register node monitors the conditions required to solve the puzzle, evaluating whether all flames are lit simultaneously, leading to triggering an End Condition node labeled "Puzzle Solved," signifying the successful completion of the challenge.


puzzleglossarymechanicgame designlevel
Edited more than 1 month ago

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