
Pokemon GO - Wild Encounters, Item Management and Pokedex

Catalin Ichim


A detailed deconstruction of main game mechanics of Pokemon Go. The diagram highlights the following functionalities: Walking distance, Pokemon spawning, Player choice in Pokemon encounters, Spinning Pokestops to generate resources, Inventory management, and Microtransactions for upgrades. The goal of the model is monitoring game completion and revenue generated during playthroughs of given lengths.  
--- Auto-Generated Description ---
The diagram models a Pokemon GO inspired gameplay system, focusing on player movement, item collection, Pokemon encounters, and inventory management. It simulates a player's journey through accumulating walking distance (represented in meters) and the passage of time (represented in minutes played), which in turn influences Pokemon spawns and interactions with PokeStops. As the player moves, certain probabilities determine the spawning of Pokemon, categorized by uniqueness (new, shiny, or evolved forms), influencing the player's decision to engage or ignore encounters based on a desire to capture mechanism calculated through several factors like Pokemon rarity and player's inventory content.

Item collection is highlighted by the player's interaction with PokeStops, where a range of items such as PokeBalls, eggs, and berries can be acquired. The distribution of items follows specific probabilities, simulating the random nature of item drops in the actual game. The player's inventory management involves upgrading storage capacities for both Pokemon and items using in-game currency (PokeCoins), which can be expanded upon reaching certain conditions. Gates and registers within the diagram define the logic for item usage during encounters, Pokemon catching success rate adjustments based on used items, and encounter outcomes leading to either successful captures or Pokemon fleeing. This complex network not only emulates the mechanics of managing resources and making strategic decisions based on current state and probabilities but also showcases the dynamic nature of interacting with a virtual environment inspired by the mechanics of Pokemon GO.


Edited 17 days ago

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