
No thanks! Card Game Deconstruction With 3 Players

Catalin Ichim


This diagram models a card game system involving three players, each designated as A, B, and C. Players interact with a shared card deck, with the mechanism focusing on the allocation and consumption of tokens and cards during the game play. At the core, players face decisions to either take a card from the central pool to add to their card pool, affecting their total points, or pass the opportunity by placing a token on the current card, thus opting for a "no thanks!" action. These interactions are facilitated through interactive gates that simulate the decision-making process. Pool nodes represent each player's token and card collections, while a central card deck pool is utilized to draw new cards into the game, thereby dynamically changing the state of play.

The game progresses through automatic transfers of cards from the deck to the current card pool, ensuring that new cards are available for players' decisions. This system is sophisticatedly designed to calculate scores based on the differences between the number of cards players decide to take and the tokens they elect to spend or retain. Registers compute these scores to inform end-game conditions, highlighting the player with the fewest points as the winner, thus adding a strategic layer to the gameplay. Decision-making is critical, as players must balance their card acquisitions against the tokens they hold, aiming to minimize their score. The end condition is defined by the exhaustion of the card deck and the current card pool, signifying the culmination of the game and triggering the evaluation of the winning criteria based on the calculated scores.


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