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03/05/2022 Machinations

How to Design a Puzzle Game

Image : Dorfromantik, Toukana Interactive  Designing a puzzle game can be a daunting task. There are so many elements that go into making a good one, from the mechanics to the systems to the difficulty curve. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most important aspects of puzzle game design. We’ll start with defining …

18/03/2022 Machinations

Introducing The Machinations Game Economy Health Monitoring Service, the only platform to design and predict game economies & systems for premium, free2play, and play2earn games, announced this week the launch of its Game Economy Health Monitoring Service for blockchain games, introducing a way to verify game economies based on large-scale simulations prior to launch, and continuously monitor and predict and alert on …

23/02/2022 Machinations

Sustainable Game Economies in Web 3.0 – Heroes of Mavia

Web3 games must ensure their economy is well balanced prior to the launch of their game. Unlike traditional games, the consequences of a poorly balanced economy in crypto games are massive. The difference being that items are now assets and hold tangible monetary value across markets. We’re joined by Yvan “Aiven” Feusi who is the …

27/01/2022 Machinations

Game Design for Sustainable Web 3.0 Economies

When the economy or progression system of a single-player premium game is out of balance, it has a direct impact on player experience. In the case of Free 2 Play games, having a bad game economy impacts the chances of players spending money or watching ads. ​ With the rise of Play 2 Earn games, …

13/01/2022 Machinations

What are hypercasual games?

Hypercasual games are a new genre of games that is taking the world by storm. They combine hyper-simple gameplay, hyper-short duration, and hyper-social features to create an entirely new gaming experience. These types of games are perfect for Generation Z who live on their phones and prefer instant gratification over longer, more immersive experiences. We …

22/12/2021 Machinations

How User Generated Content will lead the Metaverse

In this webinar, we were joined by Rec Room’s Cristopher Ory, Lead Social Designer and Audrey Cox, Senior 3D Artist & Game Designer. We discussed about the Metaverse, UGC and how future game designers can grow a career on their platform. Rec Room is an optional virtual reality online video game with an integrated game …

13/12/2021 Machinations

Squid Game: High-stakes Game Design

Similar to pretty much anyone that has a Netflix account these days, we here at Machinations, have been glued to the screen watching Squid Game. We could not help but wonder about what it must be like to be a game designer in such a dangerous workplace. There must be some immense pressure on your …

07/12/2021 Machinations

User generated content in the Metaverse

Image: Minas Tirith by Divici The metaverse is an online that will allow people to explore and interact in ways never before possible. It has the potential to change how we live, work, and play. The metaverse will need user-generated content (UGC) to function properly. This article provides insight into: what UGC can be used …

16/11/2021 Machinations

The Metaverse and Web 3.0

The metaverse is a shared space, created by communities or individuals to share information. It has been described as the next evolution of the internet. The metaverse consists of virtual worlds that are constantly connected through networks and servers. Web 3.0 will allow for more immersive experiences in these virtual worlds, making it easier for …