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Punishment - Dark Souls 3


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models the soul collection and leveling mechanism commonly found in soulslike video games, emphasizing the risk-reward nature of gameplay where players collect souls to level up but risk losing them upon death. At the core, the diagram features a "Souls" pool where collected souls are stored, and a "Lost Souls" pool that temporarily holds souls when a player dies. A source node generates souls based on a level-determined random number, demonstrating how progressing levels can increase the difficulty and rewards. 

The system integrates mechanisms for leveling up through a converter node, highlighting the increasing cost of leveling as the player advances, and a drain node represents the permanent loss of souls if the player dies again before retrieving them. Additionally, the diagram shows automatic gates simulating the death and recovery events with associated probabilities, effectively modeling the chance-based recovery of lost souls. This setup captures the high-stakes gameplay loop of attempting to recover lost resources amid the constant threat of further losses, driving strategic decision-making in resource management and progression.


game economyglossarygame designcore loop
Edited more than 1 year ago

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