
Proximity - Racing games


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models the progression system of a racing game, incorporating key metrics such as distance traveled ("Kilometres"), the current level ("Current Level"), total levels ("Total Levels"), as well as both overall and race-specific completion percentages ("Overall Completion Percentage" and "Current Race Completion Percentage"). Each level requires the player to complete a certain distance to advance, which increases exponentially based on the level number, specifically calculated as 10*1.2^currentLevel for the current race distance. As the player progresses through the levels, resources generated by source nodes simulate the kilometers traveled per game step, which ranges randomly between 2 and 10 kilometers.

The system employs registers to calculate and track the player's progress percentage for both the specific race and the overall game, updating these metrics based on the distance covered and the levels completed. A drain node consumes the resources once the race completion percentage reaches or surpasses 100%, indicating the player has completed the current level. This mechanism pushes the game state forward by incrementing the level and recalculating the distance required for the next race. The game concludes when the overall completion percentage meets the end conditions, marking the completion of all levels. This diagram adeptly encapsulates the dynamic progression system of a racing game, highlighting the milestones of race completion and total levels, handled through an intricate web of resource generation, accumulation, and condition-based transitions.


game economyglossarygame designcore loop
Edited more than 1 year ago

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