
Multiple Goals - Age of Empires II


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models a complex game strategy system, specifically tailored for a scenario in a strategy game similar to Age of Empires II, focusing on achieving victory through multiple conditions. The diagram integrates various elements that represent the core aspects of gameplay: performing actions, selecting goals, capturing relics, building wonders, tracking the passage of years, and managing military units and buildings. Nodes are interconnected to simulate the actions players can take to progress towards victory, such as capturing relics or building wonders, and the conditions that contribute to winning the game, such as holding all relics for a certain period, maintaining a wonder, or achieving military conquest by destroying enemy units.

The system operates on a probabilistic basis, with actions like capturing relics, building wonders, and conquering being triggered by certain percentage chances. Pools for tracking relics, wonders, and military units are updated based on these actions, while drains represent the successful capture of relics, destruction of wonders, and rebuilding of enemy military units. A register node evaluates whether a player has won by checking if any of the victory conditions are met: defending a wonder for 200 years, capturing all relics, or achieving military conquest by specific resource thresholds before and after 100 years. This mechanism is designed to reflect the dynamic strategies players can adopt and the fluid nature of victory conditions in competitive strategy games.


glossarygame designcore loopstrategy
Edited more than 1 year ago

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