
Combat - Pokemon Blue


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models a simplified version of turn-based combat as found in Pokémon Blue, which simulates battles between two Pokémon characters with a focus on the mathematical mechanics behind attacks and health depletion. It incorporates various elements, such as sources for initiating actions, pools to represent Pokémon turns and initial health points, registers to calculate and store Pokémon stats including damage inflicted per attack, and drains to represent the receiving of damage, thereby reducing health points. Selectable registers are used to choose Pokémon for each side of the battle, identified as Pokémon A and Pokémon B, with their stats determined by predefined values for health points (HP), attack, defense, and attack power. 

The combat mechanism starts with an interactive action that selects two Pokémon and initiates the battle phase, where each Pokémon takes turns to attack based on automatic triggers and calculated damage formulas. The damage calculation takes into account the attacker's attack power and the defender's defense to convey a realistic Pokémon battle scenario. This is further enhanced with randomness to simulate the variable nature of combat, including damage inflicted and receiving damage. End conditions are set to finalize the battle once a Pokémon's health points drop to zero, effectively simulating a Pokémon fainting. This captures the essence of Pokémon combat mechanics, focusing on the strategic selection of Pokémon based on their stats and the sequential turn-based nature of battles.


game designglossaryeconomy
Edited more than 1 year ago

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