
Avalanche Snowball Consensus

Kris Renzo


Simulation of the Snowball consensus introduced by Avlanche protocol.  Ref:
--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram outlines the behavior and decision-making process of a consensus algorithm in a distributed network susceptible to Byzantine faults. It models how individual nodes, whether acting correctly or under Byzantine influence, participate in a series of steps to reach a collective decision on queried data.

The diagram is divided into several steps, each demonstrating a different phase of the consensus algorithm. It begins with nodes gathering data and participating in a voting process, where correct nodes vote independently of any bias while Byzantine nodes may vote arbitrarily or not respond at all, potentially influenced by factors like query results and pre-determined biases.

As the process unfolds, nodes collect votes and assess consensus based on the quorum size, highlighting the challenge of reaching a reliable agreement in the presence of unreliable or malicious participants. Gates control the transition between steps, simulating decision points based on votes, while registers compute and hold the state of the consensus process, affecting the flow based on conditions like meeting a confidence threshold or the total number of votes aligning with or against the proposed decision.

In summary, the diagram provides a comprehensive visualization of a consensus process in a distributed system, encapsulating the intricacies and challenges of achieving agreement among nodes, some of which may behave unpredictably due to Byzantine faults.


AvalancheConsensus MechanismSnowballBlockchain
Edited more than 1 year ago

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