


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models a microeconomics simulation focused on the trading of iron within a game's economy, incorporating variables of supply, demand, and price adjustments based on player actions and game events. At the core, iron serves as the primary resource, with pools representing its supply, demand triggered by game updates, and the player count acting as a driver for economic activity. The diagram simulates the flow of iron into the economy through a source, then through various transactions influenced by players and game demand. Registers calculate the dynamic demand based on the number of players and the new demand arising from game updates, supply influenced by player activity, and the evolving price of iron based on supply and demand balances. A converter is used to simulate players farming iron, converting their time or actions into iron resources, which then feeds into the economy.

The system leverages automatic gates, state connections, and drains to simulate daily changes in the economy, the consumption of iron due to new game patches, and the impact on iron prices and farming motivations over time. With state connections updating the simulation's logic based on the calculated demand, supply, and price, and a drain representing the depletion of iron due to demand outpacing supply, the diagram offers a complex view of how economic forces interact within a digital game economy. It demonstrates the delicate balance between resource availability, player engagement in economic activities, and the external pressures of game development that can influence market conditions, reflecting the intricacies of microeconomics in a virtual trading environment.


glossarygame economyeconomy
Edited more than 1 year ago

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