Resources new



--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram represents a resource distribution system designed to simulate the role selection phase in a multiplayer game setting, particularly focusing on the aspect of game balance. In this system, a "Role Selection" source node initiates the distribution of resources that symbolize the selection of different heroes by players. These resources flow through a series of gates, simulating the game mechanics of role selection and the subsequent effects on the game state, such as winning or losing conditions based on hero selection. 

The resources are distributed to three different "Hero" pool nodes, each representing a playable character or role within the game. The distribution is managed by automatic gates that randomly decide which hero pools receive the resources, reflecting the chance and strategy elements in choosing a hero. Subsequently, the outcomes of these selections are evaluated through another set of gates that determine the distribution of resources to "Win" and "Lose" pools based on pre-defined conditions, such as the effectiveness of hero combinations or the balance among selected heroes. This system encapsulates the complexity of role selection in multiplayer games and underscores the importance of balance to ensure fairness and competitive integrity.


Optionsgameplayglossarygame design
Edited more than 1 year ago

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