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Double Tapping


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models the gameplay mechanism of Quick Time Events (QTE) found in Tomb Raider games, specifically focusing on how double tapping can affect the outcome of these events. The diagram simulates the process of a player attempting to respond to QTEs within the game, where a player's success or failure is predicated on their tapping accuracy and timing.

In the simulated scenario, an infinite resource ("Act") represents the player's attempts to respond to QTE prompts. This resource is directed towards different outcomes depending on the player's action: correctly tapping at the right time, double tapping (which might lead to either success or failure), or stopping. Gates labeled "Tap" play a critical role in determining the flow of resources towards the success or failure states, influenced by a probabilistic chance that simulates the player's accuracy and reaction time during QTEs. State connections modify the outcomes based on predetermined probabilities, representing the chance of success or failure when a player responds to QTEs by tapping, including the potential missteps due to double tapping, illustrating how this gameplay element impacts the overall player experience in Tomb Raider games.


Edited more than 1 month ago

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