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Double Blind Encounter


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models a competitive scenario between two players, reminiscent of player selection phases in multiplayer online battle games such as "League of Legends." In this setup, both Player 1 and Player 2 start by generating resources, symbolizing their action to pick heroes (represented as Hero 1, Hero 2, and Hero 3 Pools) for a match. The selection is processed through gates, likely to introduce an element of randomness or decision-making uncertainty, simulating the blind pick mode where players choose their heroes without knowledge of the opponent's choices.

Resources from both players flow into the gates and then are distributed to the hero pools, illustrating how each player's choice impacts the available hero pool, although the exact mechanism of hero selection or assignment is determined by the workings of the gates, which could add variability to the game setup. This design could be aimed at studying how different hero combinations or selections affect game outcomes or player strategies under the blind pick conditions, highlighting the competitive dynamics and the importance of decision-making in blind pick scenarios.


Edited more than 1 year ago

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