
Games: Fortnite gameplay xp calculator

Mihai Gheza


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram models an experience (XP) calculation system for a game environment, specifically designed to calculate the total experience points a player can earn based on gameplay in Fortnite. The system incorporates various gameplay parameters such as placement in the game, the number of kills, and the time survived to determine the total XP gained. 

At the core of the system, sources generate base inputs representing the user's activities: playing a game, achieving a certain placement, gaining kills, and surviving a certain length of time. Various gates and converters then process these inputs, simulating the game's logic for awarding points based on performance metrics. Pools collect XP from different sources, and a series of resource and state connections facilitate the calculation and aggregation of XP points from placement, kills, and survival time into a total accumulated XP amount. Registers are used to sum and keep track of these calculations, making the system adaptable for assessing XP gain over multiple gameplay sessions. The design elegantly captures the dynamics of XP gain in Fortnite, showing how different gameplay achievements contribute to a player's progress.


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Edited more than 1 year ago

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