
Buffer Mechanic


The player has a fixed time window to perform an action. The more precisely they time the action, the better their score.
--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram represents a scoring system found in rhythm or timing games, like Guitar Hero, modeling how players' timings on hitting notes are categorized and evaluated. At the heart of the system are sources that introduce the concept of timing and performance evaluation, leading to pools labeled as "Misses," "Ok"s, "Good"s, "Great"s, and "Perfect"s, which represent different levels of accuracy in hitting notes. 

The model leverages resource connections to distribute inputs based on the timing of the player's actions, with a varying flow determined by dice rolls to simulate the player's performance variability. Registers with formulas calculate the categorization of each hit based on predefined ranges for "Ok," "Good," "Great," and "Perfect" timings. This mechanism allows for a dynamic assessment of performance, where resources (representing hits) are evaluated and sorted into these categories, directly impacting the game's scoring system. The comprehensive use of state connections, determined by conditions set within registers, rigorously decides the outcome of each hit, thus contributing to a detailed feedback system for the player on their timing accuracy.


mechanicgame designglossary
Edited more than 1 month ago

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