
Roll & Move Game

Alan Jack


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram represents a turn-based game involving two players: the Red Player and the Blue Player. Each player starts with an initial resource (depicted by "Red Player Start" and "Blue Player Start" pools) and a set of actions governed by dice rolls ("Red Player Dice Roll" and "Blue Player Dice Roll"), which determine the moves available to them during their turn. The moves are represented by a series of automatic transitions through pools labeled from "1" to "24", indicating the progression of each player's position or state within the game. Additional pools labeled "Moves Available" indicate the number of moves a player can make, which are determined by the dice roll outcomes. The transition from one player's turn to the next is controlled by resources moving between "Red Player's Turn" and "Blue Player's Turn" pools, indicating which player is currently active.

Resources flow through the gameplay pathway in an automated manner, simulating player movements and actions within the game. Special attention is given to ensuring the flow is managed correctly to reflect the turn-based nature of the game, facilitated by interactive sources that act as dice rolls affecting the available moves for the players. Drains are positioned to consume resources in specific scenarios, possibly simulating conditions like losing turns or effects of particular game squares impacting the players. The game concludes when conditions specified in the "End Condition" node are met, which could be related to reaching a certain position, depleting specific resources, or a combination of state-based triggers demonstrated by the extensive use of state connections throughout the scheme to adjust the flow and conditions dynamically. The intricate network of resource connections between pools underlines the complexity of potential game strategies and outcomes, offering a detailed simulation of a board game's turn mechanics and player interactions.


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