
Hunger and Exhaustion Meters


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram represents a complex system designed to calculate the optimal amount of food needed for an expedition based on various factors, such as total distance or time and certain activities or encounters that occur at set distances. It simulates the conversion of actions into exhaustion points and determines the total amount of varying food items required to ensure explorers can maintain a full hunger bar throughout their journey. The system accounts for a wide range of food types, each with different restorative values, and categorizes them into groups based on their replenishment levels. By simulating encounters and calculating exhaustion points, it strategically allocates resources, recommending specific quantities of food items to carry.

The diagram further illustrates the dynamic and automatic conversion of inputs—like distance traveled and time spent—into actionable outputs, specifically the count of different food categories needed. It incorporates conditional logic and probabilistic outcomes to model realistic scenarios explorers might face, such as encountering different points of interest that affect their resource needs. Through automatic and interactive nodes, this Machinations diagram serves as a tool for efficiently planning resource management for expeditions, enabling users to input specific parameters and receive tailored recommendations for their journey.


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