
Hyper Casual Games

Furkan Kaplan


--- Auto-Generated Description ---
This diagram represents a complex gaming model incorporating elements of strategy, resource management, and progression mechanics through multi-staged gameplay. The structure hinges on the dynamic interactions between 'source' nodes representing different facets of gameplay - such as 'Game Play', 'Devil', 'Angel', along with others indicating stages of change and distribution - and various 'pool' nodes, which store resources or points like 'Total Score', 'Stage', and collection metrics for both 'Devil' and 'Angel' aspects.

Resource flow is regulated by 'gate' nodes and 'resource connections' with specified formulas determining the distribution, accumulation, or depletion of resources. This includes percentages indicating chances for resources to move from one node to another, simulating random events or player decisions within the game. Various 'converter' nodes are placed throughout to transform resources, aligning with game mechanics that involve upgrades or changes. 'State connections' modify node states or trigger actions, incorporating conditions that must be met for certain transitions, further adding to the game's complexity.

Strategic elements are introduced through gates that distribute resources based on dice rolls, simulating unpredictable outcomes. 'End conditions' are set to indicate win or lose states for both 'Devil' and 'Angel' gameplay aspects, with conditions triggering the finale of the game. The intricate web of interconnections among sources, pools, gates, and other nodes illustrates a gaming environment where decisions impact outcomes in varied and potentially unforeseen ways, emphasizing the importance of strategy and adaptability in navigating the game's progression.


Hyper Casual
Edited more than 1 year ago

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