
Game design, not guesswork

Your game economy in motion before code

Map your whole game into an interactive diagram, balance, and hand it off to production, all in one platform.



Reduce guesswork

Back up your gut feeling with science and iron out any kinks


Get a running start

Leverage hundreds of ready-made deconstructions and prefabs


Design collaboratively

Share and edit real-time co-op like it's the 21st century

Trusted by Studios around the World

“ - a tool that I truly feel every designer should at least give a kick at the tires. Not only do you get to test your assumptions, but you get to see them play out in real time.“

Gord Cooper

Lead Game Designer, Smoking Gun Interactive Inc.

No code: Standardized visual language
9 Nodes & 2 Connection types, Drag & drop, in-place editing
Interactive executions
Built-in randomness

"The biggest value that Machinations gives me is that it is easier to explain than a spreadsheet. The visualization of resources moving and flowing is much more visual and accessible"

Ricardo Cerretero Vila

Sr Game Design Director | Founder @ Gamified Systems

Take the guesswork out of your game design process

Identify how changes ripple through the entire game systems and avoid breaking what works.

“My favourite thing about Machinations is the visual representation. For me it was really like, yes, this is what I need to do my work. It saves me a lot of time, a lot of energy and a lot of stress.”

Sarah Brodsky, PhD, Economy Designer @ Wooga



Who should use Machinations?

Machinations empowers game designers, developers, and creative teams by providing them with an intuitive platform to visualize and balance complex game systems. From indie game studios to established gaming companies, our user base spans professionals and enthusiasts who leverage the platform to bring their game ideas to life.

How does Machinations differ from traditional spreadsheets or scripting?

How long does it typically take to learn and become proficient in using Machinations?

Do I need coding skills to use Machinations effectively?

Is my data secure with Machinations?

Is Machinations free to use?

“Using Machinations, game designers can play with the tool the way you can play with building bricks and turn the dials and see whether something breaks. And just that ability to not only visualize but play with the system you're trying to design is incredibly powerful”

Professor Edward Castronova

Ph.D, founder of the field of virtual economy research

Ready to start?

Some of the best game designers, developers and academia all over the World use Machinations in their day to day work.

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Truth. This is why @machinationsio is so important. Modeling game economies for sustainability is pure alpha